Social Service Facilities of Macau
Name“Chong Fai” Elderly Centre    
AddressRua da Praia do Manduco, N.os 61-63, R/C e 1 andar, Macau
Date of Establishment10/01/2022
Person-in-ChargeWong Wai Man - Coordenador
Entity of OwnershipCaritas - Macau
License NoImmunity
Type of AssistanceSubsidized Facility:Technical assistance, financial assistance, concession of equipment and material for social service facility.
Service Targetaged 55 years and above, Macao residents
CapacityNo. of Persons Per License:60
Covered Area (m2)397.78
No of Staffnull
Opening HoursMonday to Saturday 9:00-13:00,14:00-18:00
Ha Wan Elderly Centre and Casa Ricci Elderly Center have been providing services in the community for over 30 years. These two centers, through the social benefit service and the organization of a social support network, promote mutual help among the elderly in the neighborhood, to have a happy life, participate proactively in society and live happily in their old age. In order to develop more diversified services and in coordination with the need for the development of society, the two centers have integrated into a larger space, optimized facilities and work teams, thus continuing to provide services to the elderly in the neighbourhood.

To enhance the mutual help and friendship among the elders in the district, they can be active both physically and mentally, also participate in the society actively and spend their elderly living happily.

1. To enhance the elderly to pay attention to health and improve self-care ability, promote a healthy lifestyle, and achieve healthy aging;
2. To develop the ability and potential of the elderly, enhance personal dignity, and establish a positive image and status in the family and society through the performance and contribution of the elderly, so as to achieve their seniority.

Contents and Areas:
This elderly center is opened during day time. It provides the elderly with a place for social fellowship and gathering, organizes recreational and educational activities for the elderly who are able to take care of themselves, provides social information and other social services for social development, also provides support and and information for the elderly and their families in need.