Social Service Facilities of Macau
NameMonteKids Forest Nursery     
AddressRua Formosa No.18,Lai Keng Rés -do-Chão B
Date of Establishment2020/07/31
Person-in-ChargeLiang Ya Li
Entity of OwnershipPrivate
Type of AssistanceTechnical assistance
Service TargetAged 1-3 years
CapacityNos of Persons Per License 15
Covered Area (m2)159.85
No of Staffnull
Opening HoursMonday to Friday 08:30-14:30
Web Site--
MonteKids Forest Nursery, which is licensed by Social Welfare Bureau in 2020, is a for-profit nursery.

Purposes and Objectives :
The teaching methods of MonteKids Forest Nursery (MFN) are based on the Montessori pedogogy and Swiss German Forest Education. The method cultivates children’s sentiment of loving nature and respecting life during their first important three years; it also develops children’s unique learning interests and capabilities, optimizes eight multiple intelligences, and encourages children to take care of self, the environment and others. Our mission is to prepare children from the Macau community to be highly responsible and intelligent future beings.

Contents and Areas :
MFN is a private, small-sized basis and full day Montessori nursery. There is monthly field trip or outdoor forest lessons. Not only does MFN provide healthy and nutritious meals and naps, but also weekly exciting theme activities, including music, Chinese culture, English exploration, etc. MonteKids, explore the human potentiality. We are a team of professional Montessori teachers who prepare excellent quality of AMI standard Montessori teaching environment to offer the most ideal childcare services and early childhood education for Macau families.