Social Service Facilities of Macau
NameEmile Montessori Children Education Nursery    
AddressAvenida Commercial de Macau, Nam Van Peninsula, R/C, Loja H e I
Date of Establishment18/02/2020
Person-in-ChargeChen Sihong - Directora da creche
Entity of OwnershipPrivate
Type of AssistanceTechnical assistance
Service Target15months to 3 years
CapacityNos of Persons Per Licience 14
Covered Area (m2)181.35
No of Staffnull
Opening HoursMonday to Friday 08:45-12:15
Web Site--
DescriptionBackground of facility:
Emile Nursery is established in 2020 and is located by the beautiful Nan Van Lake in the Nan Van Peninsula. It welcomes young children between 15 months and 3 years old.
Principle of Service: We adopt the Montessori approach to prepare an environment suitable for children's development of movement coordination, self-care ability and language ability, enabling their body and mind to develop harmoniously in the early stage.

Target of Service:
Through the use of a scientific approach, to guide and discover children’s innate talents, help adults understand the developmental needs of children, support the normalization of development in all stages of childhood as they adapt to their society.

Content and Scope of Service:
Child caring - providing appropriate care for the physical and psychological needs of young children to ensure that their activity environment is clean, safe, comfortable and harmonious;
•Cultivation –Through the Montessori approach, children are provided with teaching aids on psycho-sensory assisted development, daily life, language and music to support children develop well physically and mentally, so as to master self-care ability, basic social etiquette, cultivating good habits and personality.
•Meal service –Provide children with fresh, clean and nutritious fruits and snacks daily, as well as safe and high-quality drinking water to meet their physiological needs.