Social Service Facilities of Macau
NameMacau Montessori Nursery    
AddressAvenida Xian Xing Hai N.o 273, Jardim Hang Kei, OR/C , OS/L e N.o 267 PS/L, Macau
Date of Establishment2022/01/28
Person-in-ChargeHaung Ru Jing-Directora da creche
Entity of OwnershipManifesto Educação Montessori Limitada
Type of AssistanceTechnical assistance
Service TargetAged 1-3 years
CapacityNos of Persons Per License 42
Covered Area (m2)289.60
No of Staffnull
Opening HoursMonday to Friday 09:00-15:30
Web Site--
Macau Montessori Nursery is licensed by Social Welfare Bureau in 2019, which is a for-profit nursery and managed by Manifesto Educação Montessori Limitada.

Purposes and Objectives:
Macao Montessori Nursery is in the spirit of Montessori's philosophy, showing love and respect to kids and giving guidance to parents and other caregivers to prepare themselves to nurture the next generation in a relaxing and effective manner. It enables the future owners of Macao to develop their physical, social and emotional abilities, including independence, concentration, willpower, intelligence, creativity, stable emotions, social skills and initiative of serving the community.

Contents and Areas:
Macau Montessori Nursery provides full care service for children aged 1 ~3 years old, it opens during Monday to Friday.