Social Service Facilities of Macau
NameMontemind Montessori Nursery    
AddressRua De Sacadura Cabral No.28-A, Edificio Chun Lai, AR/C+K/C
Date of Establishment2020/12/23
Person-in-ChargeIp In Mui - Directora da creche
Entity of OwnershipIeong Chi Mei
Type of AssistanceTechnical assistance
Service TargetAged 1-3 years
CapacityNos of Persons Per License 20
Covered Area (m2)62.25
No of Staffnull
Opening HoursMonday to Saturday 8:30-13:00 15:00-18:00 Sunday : 8:30-13:00
Web Site--
DescriptionBackground :
Montemind Montessori Nursery is a for-profit nursery, which is licensed by Social Welfare Bureau in 2020.

Purposes :
The Nursery respects the growth rhythm, natural development and learning patterns of infants and young children as well as their individual differences. With a “young children-oriented” working philosophy, it works collaboratively with parents towards the whole person development of infants and young children.

Objectives :
In case for building up good foundation in further learning, the nursery aims to cultivate the children's self-care, language, movement, emotional, social and artistic development through the concept and environment of Montessori education.

Contents and Areas :
Provide high-quality half-day childcare services for children from 1 to 3 years old --- active and spontaneous working hours, group music activities and theme exploration, independent eating and self-care activities.