Social Service Facilities of Macau
NameCreche Diocesana Helen Liang    
AddressRua Do Parque, Macau
Date of Establishment21/07/2017
Person-in-ChargeLau Sio Leng - Directora da creche
Entity of OwnershipDiocese de Macau
Type of AssistanceSubsidized Facilitiy :Technical and financial assistance, concession of equipment, material and social facility.
Service TargetAge 1 to 3 years
CapacityNo. of Persons per License:359
Covered Area (m2)1,926.00
Uncovered Area (m2)790
No of Staffnull
Opening HoursMonday to Saturday 08:00-18:30; 18:30-19:30 (Extension of nursery service hour)
As to meet the needs of family and community, the Diocese of Macao transformed the Helen Liang Children Home at Rua do Parque in Sai Van district into the Diocesan Nursery Helen Liang - Family Centre, where it continues its service mission of offering early childhood education and provides nutruing care to young children in the spirit of Christian benevolence. The nursery is a non-profitable social service organization committed to develop a wholesome personality in young children aged between 1 and 3 years. It aims to foster in them a pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty through character education at an early age in a cheerful, open, autonomous, pluralistic, mutually supportive and friendship-building environment.

As to make possible the delivery of quality and pragmatic education on a continual basis, which is the goal of Diocese of Macao, the Diocesan Nursery Helen Liang - Family Centre created a coordinated work team in the spirit of Christian benevolence to “teach about love and sow the seeds of love” amongst young children. With this guiding principle in mind, it helps young children to develop their thinking skills and a sense of security through love and encouragment and fosters in them a positive outlook on life in a cheerful and safe environment where they learn to be outgoing and confident.

Asides from children’s physical training and development of moral values, emotion, resilence and intelligence, the staffs of the Nursery teach them to practice gratitude and cherish blessings through translating these core values into practice to serve as model examples. In addition, it works closely with parents to create a safe, healthy and cheerful family environment for the well-being of young children. It hopes that the young children, parents and its staffs value the important role of family, be caring and respectful towards one another, trust and cherish each other, and work with concerted efforts to bring harmony to our homeland, family life and widespread “love”.

Contents and Area:
Targets:Infants aged 1 to 3 years
Service hours:Mondays to Saturdays (full-day class) 08:30-18:30;