Social Service Facilities of Macau
NameCreche "O Pequeno Mundo"    
AddressRua do Almirante Costa Cabral, Edf. Iao Fai, 1º andar F
Date of Establishment13/02/1990
Person-in-ChargeU Sao Kun - Directora da creche
Entity of OwnershipPrivate
License No42
Type of AssistanceNon-subsidized Facility: Technical assistance.
Service TargetAge one and half to three years
CapacityNo. of Persons per License:22 (No. of Serviced Persons:32)
Covered Area (m2)63.64
Uncovered Area (m2)44.59
No of Staffnull
Opening HoursMonday to Saturday 8:00-18:00 (Full Day Course);08:00-12:30 (Morning Course);13:00-18:00 (Afternoon Course)
The “Small World” Nursery is a profit-making nursery which obtained the license from Social Welfare Bureau in 1990.

Objectives and Targets:
With a commitment to serve the general public through cultivating a healthy mind and body in children, the “Small World” Nursery offers attentive child care in its well-equipped facilities. It houses a multi-purpose spacious area for holding fun-filled activities to strengthen the innate dispositions of children and maximize their intelligence. The nursery attaches much importance to nurture gifted children and equipped them with contemporary knowledge by unfolding their potentials during preschool education. It is evidential that for children to develop healthily and feel happy about their progress, the keys lie in developing their intelligence, stimulate their cognitive ability and motivate them to take actions by friendly encouragement at early age. To this end, the nursery uses a variety of teaching materials to cultivate their interest in learning, like having its premises layouted like a world of fairy tales where children can learn in a fun and interesting environment. All activities are based on this pedagogical and learning philosophy.

Contents and Area:
The “Small World” Nursery provides full-day class and half-day class for infants aged 1½ to 3, service hours are Mondays to Saturdays.