Social Service Facilities of Macau
NameCreche II da Associação das Mulheres de Macau    
AddressMacau, Rua Marginal Do Lam Mau NºS 381-405, San Cheung Seng Garden HR/C E 1º Andar
Date of Establishment1989/11/03
Person-in-ChargeCheang Chi Ian - Directora da creche
Entity of OwnershipThe Womens General Association of Macau
License No280
Type of AssistanceSubsidized Facility: Technical and financial assistance, concession of equipment, material and social facility.
Service TargetTechnical and Financial Assistance, Concession of Social Facility
CapacityNos of Persons Per License 118
Covered Area (m2)658
No of Staffnull
Opening HoursMonday to Saturday 08:00-18:30(Full Day Course)
The nursery is founded by the Women's General Association

Its goals are to help young children to adapt to group life, building child independence and self-care abilities, promote their physical and mental development, alleviate the childcare pressure of working women and improve women’s employment opportunities.

Provide adequate nurturing care to young children and maintain good communication with parents to facilitate children’s wholesome development in a healthy and happy environment.

Contents and Area:
● Organize a variety of activities to promote the multiple intelligence development of young children and foster good moral conducts in them.
● Care for the physical and mental health of young children, provide them with nutritionally balanced and easily digestible meals (lunch, afternoon refreshments and fruits), comfortable sleeping environment and develop rest-activity and eating patterns in them; provide young children with basic healthcare (height and weight measurement) for their healthy growing-up.
● Organize activities at regular intervals to build close parent-child relationship and enhance parent-nursery communication and cooperation.