Social Service Facilities of Macau
NameSa Lei Tau Fong Chong Toc I Chong Sam Nursery    
AddressRua Palmeira, 21 A, Sei Hoc, R/C, S/L, 1 Andar A&B
Date of Establishment1987
Person-in-ChargeNg Sin Man- Director da creche
Entity of OwnershipAssociação de Mútuo Auxílio dos Moradores do Patane
License No20
Type of AssistanceSubsidized Facility Technical and financial assistance.
Service TargetAged 1-3 years
CapacityNos of Persons Per License: 100
Covered Area (m2)210.59
No of Staffnull
Opening HoursMonday to Saturday 7:45-18:30
DescriptionObjectives﹕It is a non-profitable organization which aims to assist parents to bear the childcare responsibilities together.
Purposes﹕To aid young children in their moral, intellectual, physical, social, and aesthetic development, which is conducive to their physical and mental well-being, and allows them to enjoy a lively childhood and build a solid foundation for future learning.