Social Service Facilities of Macau
NameThe Womens General Association of Macau, the First Nursery    
AddressAvenida Venceslau de Morais, Edifício Pat Tat Sun Chun, R/C e Sobreloja
Date of Establishment09/1992
Person-in-ChargeYu Li Hua - Directora da creche
Entity of OwnershipThe Womens General Association of Macau
License No120
Type of AssistanceSubsidized Facility :Technical and financial assistance, concession of equipment, material and social facility.
Service TargetAge 1.5 to 3 years
CapacityNos of Persons Per License 259
Covered Area (m2)1270
No of Staffnull
Opening HoursMonday to Saturday 08:00-19:00(Full Day Course)
The First Nursery is under the Women's General Association of Macau

Its goals are to help young children to adapt to group life, building child independence and self-care abilities, promote their physical and mental development, alleviate the childcare pressure of working women and improve women’s employment opportunities.

1. Keeping young children safe and healthy, promote the well-being of their body and mind, ease the burdens of working women and create conditions in favor of women’s employment.
2. Develop the potentials and interests of young children to create a solid foundation for their balanced development.

Contents and Area:
The Nursery offers age-specific learning to young children through music, arts and crafts, and games to make it easier for them to understand and apply what they learned. It helps to inspire, facilitate and promote their multiple intelligences development.

● Provides young children with a variety of activities dedicate to their well-being and nurturing (daily routines include music session, arts and crafts, games, thematic activities, activities to develop their fine and gross motor skills, indoor and outdoor activities).
● Provide nutritious meals (lunch, afternoon refreshments and fruits) to ensure the young children getting well-balanced nutrients for maintaining a healthy well-being.
● Provide young children with basic healthcare, including having their height and weight measured at regular intervals.
● Organize activities at regular intervals to build close bonds between parents and children (various seasonal outdoor activities are arranged , e.g. : festival celebrations, visitings tours, etc)