Social Service Facilities of Macau
NameCaritas Nursery    
AddressRua Marginal do Canal das Hortas - Tamagnini Barbosa
Date of Establishment07/1994
Person-in-ChargeZheng Huihui- Director da creche
Entity of OwnershipCaritas - Macau
License No167
Type of AssistanceSubsidized Facility :Technical and financial assistance, concession of equipment and material for social service facility.
Service Targetage 3 months to 3 years
CapacityNos of Persons Per License 186
Covered Area (m2)990
Uncovered Area (m2)206
No of Staffnull
Opening HoursMonday to Saturday 08:00-18:30
The Caritas Nursery was founded by Sr. Law Lin from Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of the Angels in February 1976, which had been located at the previous place purchased by the Catholic Diocese of Macau in Areia Preta. In order to coordinate with Macao Department for Social Welfare (previous name of Social Welfare Bureau) for the standard regulations of nursery, it was relocated to the Toi San district. Later Sr. Law handed the management of the nursery to Macao Caritas.

The Caritas Nursery is an independent building with an area of about 1,200 square meters. It is equipped with eight multi-smart activity teaching activity rooms, lobby and outdoor activity area, high floor and good air circulation there, healthy place for children's physical and mental development.

1. Provide a diversity of childcare services to support parents who cannot spare time to look after their young children;
2. Improve the well-being of young children through attentive care, development-stimulating materials and offering them a safe, happy and healthy growing-up environment.

1. Maintain the physical and mental health of children.
2. Develop good habits in children.
3. Enrich their childhood with enjoyable experiences.
4. Help children to adapt and become integrated into group life.

Contents and Area:
All-day class, emergency/temporary nursery service

1. Childcare: provide young children with a safe environment and adequate care.
2. Nurturing: organize a variety of thematic activities to stimulate their senses, inspire and foster development of their capabilities, instill good life habits in them and help them to gain self-care abilities.
3. Meal and healthcare services: provision of lunch, refreshments, midday nap, basic healthcare, morning/afternoon health check, body temperature measurement, administering medication to young children and take care of their general illness and injuries.
4. Promotion of parenting: organize family activities and parenting education programs, develop a partnership and two-way communication between parents and the nursery.